Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Say NO to GMO

Just thought I'd share this video series by Jeffrey M. Smith, author of Seeds of Deception.
Don't Experiment With Your Baby is a must-watch for anyone thinking about having a baby. The video details how GMO tests on animals have shown very serious results to babies in utero. And if you're going to watch only one of the series, make it It's Time For a Food Fight. Apparently animals know better than we do.
I think a lot of us have organic foods on our radars, but forget about how dangerous genetically modified (GMO) foods can potentially be to us and our children. Luckily, all certified organic foods cannot intentionally include GMO ingredients But a lot more varieties of non-organic fruits and veggies are going under the needle these days, so refer to the non-GMO shopping guide website. They even have an iphone app. Now chant with me...No GMO, No GMO, No GMO.

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