Thursday, March 17, 2011

Clean drinking water out of thin air

You can filter your drinking water with a grocery store-bought filter or a fancy-pants ceramic one, but there are some things that no filters can clean out. Antibiotics, anti-depressants, hormones and other compounds are running rampant in our drinking water, albeit in small, but detectable amounts. Check out this article for details.
I for one, do not want any of that stuff in my or my daughter's drinking water, so I'm saving up for one of these Ecoloblue atmospheric water generator. It takes the humidity out of the air, filters it and turns it into some of the cleanest drinking water around. It's pricy, starting at just under $1000, but look at it this way, if you buy bottled water in an effort to avoid all the yuck in tap water, you're probably spending about $3500 a year already ($.40 per 8 oz. bottle x 8 glasses a day x 3 people in a family x 365 days in a year = $3500). And just think of all the plastic you wouldn't be adding to the landfills.
The Ecoloblue generator makes 28-30 liters a day, depending on the model, in both cold and hot temperatures, so you can use it for cooking as well (easy to forget that the water that your food is cooked in actually ends up in your food). For the really green, they are also solar-panel-compatible.
It has 30-day money-back guarantee and a one-year warranty.
Available at (tell them Obsessed Moms sent you)

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